A list of all commercial UAVs in U.S. market by, Vigilant Aerospace Systems Inc.

Vigilant Aerospace Releases List of Commercial Drones for Beyond Line-of-Sight – Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc.


List of Commercial Drones for Beyond Line-of-Sight List includes all current drones on US market with the range, capacity for beyond line-of-sight missions

Source: Vigilant Aerospace Releases List of Commercial Drones for Beyond Line-of-Sight – Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc.

These new imaging filters from MidOpt can be mounted on the lenses of modified cameras used for precision agriculture.

Palatine, Ill. (January 19, 2017) – MidOpt announces the availability of three new imaging filters primarily intended for blocking unwanted near-infrared light. Filters include: SP635 Absorptive Visible Shortpass/Near-IR Block Filter, SP644 Near-IR/Mid-Red Dichroic Block Shortpass Filter, and AB555 Acrylic Absorptive Near-IR/UV-Block Visible Bandpass Filter. Mounting solutions are available to help customize any imaging application. MidOpt’s unique filter mounting options include: Standard […]

Source: NEW IR-Block/Visible Transmitting Optical Filters

Drone repair shops, a growing business.

Drone Repair Shops – Unmanned Systems Source


Today, thanks to a continued decrease in price, drones are now a fairly mainstream product. The skies, which were once the domain of experienced pilots, are filling with newbie operators trying their hand at drone flight. As such, some have discovered that “ready-to-fly” – as many drones are marketed – can really mean, “ready-to-crash”.  Of …

Source: Drone Repair Shops – Unmanned Systems Source